Sunday, December 29, 2019

I, Neanderthal

I am pleased to tell you that a DNA analysis shows that Neanderthal genes comprise 3% of my genome.

I am an amateur genealogist. It is difficult to trace my Polish peasant ancestors back  past the 18th century.

Having some Neanderthal genes binds my heritage to a time beyond that which can be researched and verified.

Who were these ancient ancestors?

Current thinking is that Homo Neanderthalis arose about 400,000 years ago and became extinct about 40,000 years ago. In that span of 360,000 years branches of the species migrated and populated much of Eurasia from Spain to Israel

Recent discoveries and research have been changing the old view of Neanderthals as stupid beasts. There is evidence that they had cohesive communities; they made personal adornments (Jewelry) as well as weapons. They cared for the disabled and buried their dead. They were creative and innovative; they were curious and inventive.

The DRD4 7R gene makes you think like a Neanderthal. If you've got it, you're sensation-seeking, risk-taking, impulsive, and creative.

Homo Sapiens (modern humans) emerged at approximately the same time as Neanderthals.  They did not migrate into Europe until about 45,000 years ago.
The two species had about 5,000 years to co-exist in the same places. Research supports the idea that they met, interbred, and even exchanged toolmaking techniques, and other ideas.

Both species have a Hyoid bone and the FOXP2 gene, both of which are required for speech and language.  Neanderthals probably had at least rudimentary language. Would modern human language have been more than rudimentary 45,000 years ago?

Could a Neanderthal pass as human in today’s world?Judging from some people I’ve seen, the answer is yes. 
Is this guy just a rugged looking man who happens to be the great great grandfather of the young people in the photo? I just may claim him as my most distant ancestor. This photo is from the Neanderthal Museum in Mettmann, Germany.

This image shows 4 rugged looking men.
There are similarities among them all. One is a Neanderthal.
I wonder if we’re related.

Much as been written about Neanderthals lately. This is an interesting website:

And here’s one of the many YouTube videos.  Neanderthal Misconceptions

Here is some recommended reading.:

 CafĂ© Neandertal; Beebe Bahrami, 2017

The Neanderthals: changing the Image of Mankind

Neanderthals Rediscovered: How Modern Science is Rewriting Their Story
Dimitra Papagiani, Michael A. Morse - 2015

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